Artificial Intelligence or AI is the capability of a computer or a computer-programmed robot to complete tasks that are more commonly performed by humans. AI automation is today, so entrenched in the enterprise that it will be tough to go back to an earlier time when routine tasks still needed workforce.
Experts routinely apply the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ to the process of creating such systems that are equipped with the rational and logical aspects usually attributed to human beings. For instance, the ability to apply arithmetical logic or semantic meanings, discern affinities, and learn from previous examples are all human qualities that have been replicated in machines, giving rise to the term artificial intelligence.
Today, computer programming is so advanced that algorithms can be coded to perform extremely complex work like assessing candidates for a job, robots in the hospitality industry or high-risk nuclear facilities, and more, with great efficiency.
What is Automation?
Automation refers to when one uses a machine to perform simple, easy, and recurring tasks that follow set guidelines or rules dictated by code.
Automation tasks are extremely repetitive and anticipated functions, much like the machines in factories manufacturing, for instance, car engines, making it repeatedly, throughout the day.
Automation requires a configuration to be created manually and for a human resource to oversee if the machine effectively performs the tasks. This means that humans must be able to predict and anticipate any and every action that the machine might take, thus leading to the machine being programmed to perform the correct way every single time.
This is the reason persistent surveillance is needed. If any changes occur in the environment, someone must step in manually to make the required adjustments.
Is Automation and Artificial Intelligence Same or Different?
Automation and Artificial Intelligence are not the same, though artificial intelligence can be used to drive automation to a significant extent.
Automation is a set of guidelines that is exclusively programmed by humans to perform specific tasks; if a function is not mentioned in the instructions or algorithm, the machine will not be able to execute it.
Artificial Intelligence, however, need not have a specific set of instructions. Instead, it can perform functions and tasks using broader guidelines and direct itself to succeed in tasks. AI can also learn from previous task actions and improve on its outputs based on what works and what does not.
What is AI Automation?
Automation and Artificial Intelligence can work in tandem to create better outcomes, and this is referred to as AI automation.
AI Automation is gradually taking over several routine tasks in enterprises small and large, as it is time-saving and efficient with the addition of AI technology. This brings a higher quality output due to the processing power of artificial intelligence.
Businesses that have implemented AI Automation are able to scale their capabilities, as a machine is performing their tasks.
The value of AI automation to enterprises is immense, as AI can start, stop, or even change what tasks it is executing based on feedback from the environment it operates in. For instance, AI systems allow marketers to set guidelines, so that there are zero chances of any unpredictable events or outcomes taking place. This means quicker, faster, and more efficient execution and marketing operations, better usage and accuracy in data, and overall improvements in customer experience. Businesses switch from causing commotion and confusion over repeated tasks to concentrating on contributions with more value.
Due to these obvious advantages, a Forrester study had stated that 25% of the Fortune 500 companies would report hundreds of examples of cases with AI automation usage.
So, how close are you to setting up AI automation for your marketing ops? Partner with us to benefit from our AI-driven demand-gen platform Byonic to reap rich results from your marketing programs.