AI in Search Engines: What You Need to Know for Marketing
Use ai with inside sales

AI in Search Engines: What You Need to Know for Marketing

As an umbrella concept, “AI” encompasses a wide spectrum of intelligent technologies that are self-learning and self-improving.

Today’s search is too sophisticated for humans or traditional machines to manage. A staggering 63,000 searches are processed by Google alone per second, amounting to over two trillion searches per year.

Even the largest human search team would be fatally overwhelmed by the sheer volume of results. Not to mention that traditional software, which does not have the ability to identify patterns in data or forecast outcomes, is woefully inadequate for the task.

In order to provide real-time, correct search results at this scale and speed, it is unfeasible to do so without AI.

Let’s take a closer look at how search engines make use of AI.

What Role Does AI Play in Search?

Search engines rely heavily on artificial intelligence (AI) to rank web pages, videos, and other content.

In order to rank content, Google (as well as other search engines) use advanced artificial intelligence (AI). These AI systems prioritize a wide range of factors, from the types of keywords in your content to the user experience of your website.

Google’s artificial intelligence uses a combination of these parameters to decide which pages to display in response to a search query.

However, no one outside of Google has full insights into the algorithm’s decision-making processes, although the company provides guidance on what matters most to its system of algorithms.

Indeed, much of modern search marketing is focused on learning as much as possible about how this AI works, in order to rank content in search results.

An in-depth focus on how Google uses AI in search

AI in search engines is best understood by looking at how Google utilizes the technology.

The Algorithm at Google

Google’s “algorithm” is often used to describe the process through which the search engine provides results. There is a great deal of focus on “algorithm adjustments” that have an effect on search traffic for many businesses.

There are many aspects to Google’s “algorithm.” The algorithms that govern which search results pop up and how they appear are a sophisticated network of AI components.

Many SEO marketers want to learn as much as possible about these algorithms in order to do well on the search engine results page (SERP).

Google, on the other hand, routinely provides details on the AI system’s dynamics. It’s quite evident that this is the case:

Google’s AI search algorithms are designed to offer the best possible answer to each and every query. When we say, “highest quality result,” we don’t only mean the most relevant material; we also mean the best on-site experience.

Today, the only way to “beat the algorithm” is to create incredibly high-quality content that is meant for humans, not algorithms.


In Google’s intelligent search engine, RankBrain is a critical aspect of artificial intelligence. This technique aids Google in determining what subjects are relevant to your search.


BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a sort of artificial intelligence (AI) that Google utilizes to better grasp the meaning and intent of search queries.


Google also employs MUM in its AI-driven search engine. MUM, which stands for Multitask Unified Model, is a more powerful variant of BERT.

What Marketing teams need to know about the various elements of AI-powered search for effective results

Today’s leading AI marketing solutions include the following components:

Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the crux of machine learning, which utilizes computer algorithms to evaluate data and learn from past events. With the help of machine learning, devices can examine new data in the scope of relevant historical facts that may be used to guide future decisions.

Big Data and Analytics

Data influxes from digital media have allowed marketers to better analyze their efforts as well as precisely attribute value to each of their marketing channels. Many marketers are having difficulty deciding which data sets are worthwhile to collect, which has resulted to a data oversupply.

AI Platform Solutions

Efficient AI-powered solutions supply marketers with a central hub for managing the massive amounts of data collected by these platforms. As a result of these platforms, you’ll be able to make data-driven decisions about how to reach your target audience.

Benefits of AI-driven search to marketers and SEO teams

A better understanding of your audience: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help you gain a deeper understanding of your customers and their purchasing habits. Using this technology, you may more successfully reach a specific audience. Customer happiness and engagement are also boosted by this strategy. Marketers may also simply convert a lead into a sale utilizing AI-driven techniques at the best potential times to generate conversions.

Productivity boost: Using AI, you may effortlessly automate a number of tedious and time-consuming operations. You’ll be able to get more done in less time, which will save money and resources.

Effective marketing: Assumptions about how to sell are no longer relevant thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). AI-driven data analysis and services can help you create a more successful digital marketing plan.

Increase In ROI: An increase in return on investment (ROI) is one of the many benefits of using artificial intelligence (AI). If you can obtain a better handle on the demographics of your target audience through digital marketing, you’ll achieve greater results.

Enhancement of the User Experience: Using AI in marketing, you may target your message to the most appropriate audience. As a result, customers are happier because they are able to find what they seek. Customers are more likely to be drawn to firms that use AI in their marketing techniques, according to reports.

Final Thoughts

Marketers now have the ability to foresee future trends thanks to AI. Using these statistics, they can then decide how to deploy their funds and who to target. It is possible for brands to save money (and time) by reducing the amount of effort and money spent on digital advertising waste.

As a result of implementing AI, firms can produce more focused and clever advertising. You can both increase sales and save money by incorporating AI into your agency’s digital marketing approach.

AI in search engines has the potential to improve sustainability, scalability, and global trends on a bigger scale. It will have a significant impact on cities, government, and even politics. Indeed, it can make the world a better place if used correctly. What are you waiting for? Begin the implementation of AI in your marketing campaigns today.

Why AI Automation is the Need of the Hour for Enterprises
AI Automation

Why AI Automation is the Need of the Hour for Enterprises

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the capability of a computer or a computer-programmed robot to complete tasks that are more commonly performed by humans. AI automation is today, so entrenched in the enterprise that it will be tough to go back to an earlier time when routine tasks still needed workforce.

Experts routinely apply the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ to the process of creating such systems that are equipped with the rational and logical aspects usually attributed to human beings. For instance, the ability to apply arithmetical logic or semantic meanings, discern affinities, and learn from previous examples are all human qualities that have been replicated in machines, giving rise to the term artificial intelligence.

Today, computer programming is so advanced that algorithms can be coded to perform extremely complex work like assessing candidates for a job, robots in the hospitality industry or high-risk nuclear facilities, and more, with great efficiency.

What is Automation?

Automation refers to when one uses a machine to perform simple, easy, and recurring tasks that follow set guidelines or rules dictated by code.

Automation tasks are extremely repetitive and anticipated functions, much like the machines in factories manufacturing, for instance, car engines, making it repeatedly, throughout the day.

Automation requires a configuration to be created manually and for a human resource to oversee if the machine effectively performs the tasks. This means that humans must be able to predict and anticipate any and every action that the machine might take, thus leading to the machine being programmed to perform the correct way every single time.

This is the reason persistent surveillance is needed. If any changes occur in the environment, someone must step in manually to make the required adjustments.

Is Automation and Artificial Intelligence Same or Different?

Automation and Artificial Intelligence are not the same, though artificial intelligence can be used to drive automation to a significant extent.

Automation is a set of guidelines that is exclusively programmed by humans to perform specific tasks; if a function is not mentioned in the instructions or algorithm, the machine will not be able to execute it.

Artificial Intelligence, however, need not have a specific set of instructions. Instead, it can perform functions and tasks using broader guidelines and direct itself to succeed in tasks. AI can also learn from previous task actions and improve on its outputs based on what works and what does not.

What is AI Automation?

Automation and Artificial Intelligence can work in tandem to create better outcomes, and this is referred to as AI automation.

AI Automation is gradually taking over several routine tasks in enterprises small and large, as it is time-saving and efficient with the addition of AI technology. This brings a higher quality output due to the processing power of artificial intelligence.

Businesses that have implemented AI Automation are able to scale their capabilities, as a machine is performing their tasks.

The value of AI automation to enterprises is immense, as AI can start, stop, or even change what tasks it is executing based on feedback from the environment it operates in. For instance, AI systems allow marketers to set guidelines, so that there are zero chances of any unpredictable events or outcomes taking place. This means quicker, faster, and more efficient execution and marketing operations, better usage and accuracy in data, and overall improvements in customer experience. Businesses switch from causing commotion and confusion over repeated tasks to concentrating on contributions with more value.

Due to these obvious advantages, a Forrester study had stated that 25% of the Fortune 500 companies would report hundreds of examples of cases with AI automation usage.

So, how close are you to setting up AI automation for your marketing ops? Partner with us to benefit from our AI-driven demand-gen platform Byonic to reap rich results from your marketing programs.

How to Use AI with Inside Sales to Grow Your Business
Use ai with inside sales

How to Use AI with Inside Sales to Grow Your Business

Artificial intelligence or AI has been making waves for years. And though some industries and departments have embraced it, there are still many that have not.

While some sales teams have decided to harness the power of AI, others are still unclear on the benefits of making such a move. It’s an undeniable fact that closing deals rely on human interaction. The idea of passing on such an important role to a machine seems counterproductive.

Unfortunately, viewing AI as a replacement for salespeople is a mistake. It is not intended to replace but to empower sales teams to do their job more efficiently and successfully. Below are several of the ways that AI can fulfill this role.

Accurate and Fast Data Analysis

One of the biggest benefits of using AI in sales is its ability to analyze large sets of data in a fraction of the time it would take salespeople. This fact alone saves a sales department a great deal of time, but it doesn’t stop there. This analysis allows AI to provide sales teams with all of the following benefits, as well.

Pin Down Your Ideal Customer Profile

Businesses around the globe know how important it is to identify their ideal customer. Having an accurate ideal customer profile allows sales teams to use targeted messages and sales pitches as well as ensure they are selling to quality leads.

Unfortunately, pinning down an ideal customer profile can sometimes seem like a guessing game. It often has to be adapted over and over again, resulting in lost sales in the process.

Artificial intelligence can move through the process quickly. A comprehensive analysis of customer data can help sales teams swiftly and accurately pin down the ICP.

Improve Productivity

Your sales team needs to be able to focus on important tasks in order to achieve their sales goals. This can be a challenge, though, as there are so many tasks to be managed. By implementing AI, you can help free up your team’s time so they can do what they do best – close deals.

AI allows mundane tasks such as scheduling meetings and filling in CRM software to be automated. And once the ideal customer profile has been identified, AI can analyze current and potential clients to find matches. It can find the leads that are most likely to close and line up targets. When your team gets to work, they already know which direction to move toward.

Guidance Through the Buying Process

What if your salespeople had an assistant that could guide them through the entire sales pitch and buying journey? How many more deals do you think they could close if they could engage every single lead with customized messaging and specific recommendations?

AI can be that assistant. Thanks to the analysis that AI completes, it is able to provide sales recommendations that are specific to each individual lead. It can give targeted guidance that eliminates the guesswork of tasks such as pricing deals and knowing which upsells and cross-sells to recommend. This guidance can improve pitches and help your sales team from the point of first contact until the deal is closed. 

Personalized Experience

AI is an incredible tool for personalization for all current and potential customers. It can be utilized to customize a website visitor’s time on your page, which can help them better understand how your company and solution suit their needs.

For example, if you provide a software solution, chances are that you work to sell it to multiple industries. However, if an executive at a financial firm visits your website, they don’t want to read how your software can help a marketing firm. If they have to dig for information relevant to their firm, they might move on to another company. AI can ensure that only relevant content on your site is shown to the individual visitor.

It can also ensure that all written communication, such as email, is personalized to the individual. This can improve customer retention and customer acquisition, easing your sales team’s journey.

Accurate Forecasting

Artificial intelligence is also a great tool for forecasting. It analyzes data from previous quarters to provide predictions of your sales team’s performance for the upcoming quarter. This allows team leaders to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses and take steps to address challenges.

Continuous Improvement

Another benefit for sales teams is that AI is not stagnant. It is constantly learning and evolving. This means that its predictions, recommendations, and personalization will improve, which means salespeople can continuously improve their sales processes.

Final Thoughts

Implementing AI in your sales process is like turning your sales team into a group of superhumans. It provides them with clarified data, insight, recommendations, and guidance that they might not otherwise receive. It is one of the most effective ways to help them aim at and hit the right target instead of shooting in the dark.

5 Ways to Use AI to Enhance Customer Experiences
Customer Experience

5 Ways to Use AI to Enhance Customer Experiences

Your success is no longer solely determined by product or price – a satisfying customer experience is a must. When it comes to customer experience (CX), artificial intelligence (AI) is your most effective weapon.

AI is being used by more and more companies to improve customer service and meet the needs of modern consumers.

What does AI in Customer Experience Mean?

AI customer experience is a wide view of how artificial intelligence can enhance customer experiences. AI CX automates all the small interactions that make up the user experience. It does so with technologies such as machine learning (ML), deep learning, and natural language understanding (NLU).

How AI CX Works

Using an AI-powered chatbot is one way AI enhances customer experience. You can use AI chatbots on messaging platforms such as WeChat and Facebook Messenger, via email, and on voice assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant. 

The main advantages of AI customer support chatbots are reducing wait times, automating mundane tasks so agents have more time to address complex issues, and helping customer service reps work more efficiently. Customer loyalty increases and customer service costs are reduced. 

How AI Improves Customer Experience

With artificial intelligence, you can increase customer engagement, encourage brand loyalty, and enhance retention. Though it cannot replace human beings, it can increase efficiency and take low-hanging fruit off your customer service team’s plate-like answering frequently asked questions.

Besides integrating AI with machine learning, deep learning, and natural language understanding, AI can also be used to automate customer interactions by removing communication barriers.

Among the more familiar examples of AI are chatbots that can converse with customers and recommend products based on customer behavior data. AI has virtually limitless potential.

5 Ways to Use AI to Enhance Customer Experiences

1. Reduce employee burnout

The technology of AI never sleeps, never takes a break, and never gets sick. It can easily learn new skills and achieve high levels of productivity and performance.

This isn’t an argument for replacing employees, but rather illustrating how artificial intelligence can ensure your employees won’t feel overworked and burnt out. Put your team’s efforts into tasks that call for human touch and people skills. Let technology handle the rest.

2. Friendly and efficient service

The customer wants fast, efficient, and friendly service, and this cannot be ignored by businesses. Artificial intelligence chatbots meet this need efficiently and continuously. 

Also, chatbots tend to have fewer errors, making it easier for customers to get the information they need as they need it. Information can be provided based on customers’ needs and can be analyzed better over time. As customer support must be responsive, consistent, and focused, it can be a game-changer. 

3. Increases lead generation

Making the buying process pain-free is crucial when customers are ready to purchase – and AI-powered chatbots can help. This can be accomplished by using pre-programmed questions to validate leads before they are passed on to sales agents. 

As part of the sale, chatbots can also suggest products based on browsing history, and can even upsell after the sale.

4. Automating life assistance

We usually use Alexa to play music or dim the lights. However, more and more companies are using Alexa, Google Home, and another robot AI to make life easier for customers.

Customers can schedule transfers and bill payments by using Alexa and Google Home, for example. They can also order products using voice commands. 

5. Provides better product recommendations

To provide the best product recommendations, AI-led recommendations combine data with information. It is possible to increase sales by collecting information such as website search queries, purchase behavior, and more. Through these recommendations, the best product attributes can be identified.

Final Thoughts

Every step of the buyer’s journey can be improved through artificial intelligence. It offers endless ways to improve your company’s CX by helping you understand who your customers are, what they like and dislike, and how they shop.

AI seems to be here to stay, with brands investing so heavily in it. No matter who provides a bad customer experience, consumers won’t tolerate it. Offloading tasks to bots is only worthwhile if it improves customer experience. 

Implementing AI in the Sales Process
AI in the Sales Process

Implementing AI in the Sales Process

In the coming years, brands who are ready to make the switch and rely on artificial intelligence will observe how quickly they are able to thrive in new markets. It is really that simple. Discover how AI has simplified our work lives and expanded our business models, making processes 10x more effective than traditional methods.

What Is Artificial Intelligence in Sales?

The use of AI in the sales process is becoming more common. AI is being implemented as a sales assistant to help improve the customer experience. Some companies have started using it as a way to close deals, for example, by deducing from past interactions with a company what would be the best product or service for each customer.

One new study found that AI is already taking over the sales process. Multiple brands and their sales teams are using machine learning algorithms to better understand their prospects and research what they’re looking for. This type of technology is not yet widespread, but it is predicted that in the near future, most sales teams will be using some sort of AI to help them with the process. Sounds like a massive change of events!

But the real question is: What benefit will AI bring if it is implemented in sales and how can it be used?

Why Is AI Needed in the Sales Process?

Undoubtedly in the past, it has been difficult to implement AI in the sales process because of a lack of a well-defined process. However, now with AI tools, there is an abundance of data to be analyzed and used.

The sales process is an important part of the company’s revenue. It influences how customers will feel about your business and their level of trust in your brand. Effective salespeople are an asset to any company, but they can be hard to find, especially with the skills needed for today’s market. Implementing AI in this process has led to increased efficiency and reduced costs for businesses, as well as a better customer experience and higher conversion rates.

An effective salesperson will understand how the customer thinks and what motivates them; they will be able to create a relationship with them and provide guidance along the way based on their specific needs. With AI, we can now take some of that burden off of the human resources team by automating some aspects that would otherwise require human intervention or knowledge, letting the expert assist you in making your rise.

What Can Artificial Intelligence Do for Sales?

Here are a number of things salespeople and sales teams might from useful from implementing AI processes.

AI Can Assist Customers 24/7

AI in the sales process allows marketers to create a personalized approach for customers. It also helps with customer service. The two key applications of AI in the sales process are

  • Customer service
  • Customer engagement

AI can answer simple questions from customers about products or services that they want to purchase or can help customers find what they are looking for when browsing a website. For example, if a consumer is looking at a product page and has a question about shipping rates, a chatbot can answer this question without having to call customer service. Chatbots have been shown to provide faster answers than humans for questions about products and services on websites because there is no need to wait for an agent to come online. These make the lives of the people as well as brand easier, no longer waiting for hours to get a reply!

AI Helps to Develop Business Strategies

AI can be implemented in the sales process to make it more efficient, for example, by analyzing data and suggesting the right sales approach. Artificial Intelligence systems are able to analyze huge amounts of data and can be used to better predict what customers want or need, hence suggesting the right sales approach.

This has made the lives of the brands easier as establishments are now easily able to determine what they should offer to their customers, instead of guessing. That means resources are put in the right place to sell the product that’s being demanded the most!

AI Helps to Decrease the Risk of Leads

Today, Artificial Intelligence can be implemented by using it as a lead-scoring tool. It helps identify the most qualified prospects and allows salespeople to redirect time spent on less-qualified leads. In order to implement AI into the sales process, companies may need to invest in a system that will allow them to integrate an AI platform. How can the AI system help? AI assists in the risk of leads by prioritizing contacts based on their likelihood of converting into a customer. It can also help recognize individual behaviors and sentiments, which can be used to find patterns in customer behavior and improve the accuracy of predictions about their future actions. How convenient!

AI Assists in Selling

AI is not just capable of generating the content, but also in the sales process. It helps increase rates of conversion and gets rid of some human interaction in order to make the sale more efficient. The system itself is able to provide customers with personalized offers by scanning their information and recommending appropriate products or packages for them.

Did you know that the AI system has access to the company’s customer data and analyses? This isn’t just helpful, but it also assists AI to come up with a tailored offer for each customer. Eventually, making each sales experience unique for every customer. Who wouldn’t want to be prioritized? Artificial Intelligence helps you achieve that!

Final Thoughts

In the past, salespeople were able to perform all aspects of a sale with a prospect. However, in the past decade sales have evolved and selling is no longer a one-sided transaction.

Nowadays there are many more opportunities for prospecting and lead generation. This is where AI comes in handy because it can make the searching process much easier by capturing all relevant contact details from social media platforms or even posting ads to relevant online communities. What company wouldn’t benefit from an automated system that is good at assisting and obtaining good sales results.

Is AI Pushing Marketing Executives to Transform the Way They Think?
Artificial Intelligence

Is AI Pushing Marketing Executives to Transform the Way They Think?

Today’s marketing professionals must always be on their toes – adapting to new tech, human habits, platforms, and engagement methods faster than any generation before. And the hottest area of interest at present?

Artificial Intelligence. AI marketing, specifically.

The marketing landscape is changing. So, how can today’s marketer’s leverage and understand AI marketing so they can use it to interact with and generate loyalty?

How Is Marketing Evolving?

Art challenges tech and tech inspires art.

This paraphrasing of a John Lasseter quote pretty much sums up marketing’s evolution. Marketing is much like art – marketing is an art, and therefore has a very closely intertwined relationship with tech. Before the internet and television, there was radio. During the days of radio, marketing was in the form of mass ads over the airwaves. No targeting was done. These ads went out to everyone listening, casting a wide net and hoping for a catch. Those marketers had to be especially creative because the consumer was a mere listener. The copy had to inspire and invoke imagery with words.

And then televisions arrived, and marketers had a new medium – the TV commercial. But advertising was still one-size-fits-all. It wasn’t until cable television entered homes that the art of segmentation began.

Brands created two or three different versions of a commercial for their target segments, which would then air during the appropriate times.

Direct mail started one-on-one campaigns, further increasing customizations. Then digital marketing entered, along with even more segmented customization.

AI marketing introduces the concept of one-person segments, and now brands have the means of creating a truly customized marketing campaign specifically designed for the person viewing.

That’s a lot of evolution. And even so, marketing fundamentals remain:

  • Address the needs of the customer
  • Focus on your product’s or service’s benefits, not its features
  • Emotionally connect with your audience
  • Be authentic

But isn’t that a pretty tall order?

How Can Marketers Meet These Challenges?

Marketers should strive toward reinventing themselves. But how? Some of the best ways marketers can meet the challenges posed by the evolution of their field and AI marketing include:

  • Enrolling in classes that teach Artificial Intelligence basics
  • Attending AI conferences
  • Experimenting with various mediums

The two key takeaways here are:

  1. Marketers need to invest in themselves, and
  2. Focus on their strengths

Marketers know consumers and what they need – sometimes better than consumers do. AI will only strengthen this knowledge. It offers the tools to glean clearer insights that can be used to develop ever more personalized AI marketing campaigns.

What Skills Are Marketing Organizations Looking For

Not every marketing professional has the time to take classes or attend conferences. AI marketing strategies require people who already possess an understanding of AI who can work with this technology.

Marketers need project management professionals that can develop new products on the fly. AI requires agility and a propensity for experimentation. People who are adept at managing multiple projects and creating flexible environments are a must.

Analytics professionals can help senior management understand the exponential amounts of data and make it valuable.

Finally, it’s because of this exponential data that marketing organizations will also need to refine responsibilities surrounding privacy, data management, and overall cybersecurity.

Are you ready to transform the way you think about modern B2B marketing? Connect with the team at Byonic.AI today.

How to Use AI for Lead Generation, Qualification, and Conversion
Article is about how AI can be used in Lead Generation, Qualification, and Conversion

How to Use AI for Lead Generation, Qualification, and Conversion

Artificial Intelligence is a massive part of our lives, from social media ads to campaigns and different advertisements. It’s spread everywhere, and since it’s a huge part of our lives, it’s due time that we make the most of it and incorporate it in generating tools in our Business, start from today!

AI is the perfect tool you need to make far-reaching changes in your sales. In a recent report published, approximately 80% of people expect AI to play a supporting role in revolutionizing marketing in the years to come.

Let’s find out how businesses can incorporate Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in their business model to generate leads, qualifications, and conversions.

5 Ways to Use AI in Your Organization

1. Achieving Personalization in your Business

Quite a few people sometimes aren’t satisfied with the customer service of different brands. Hence, they do not prefer purchasing from them. Fortunately, with AI, you can make a massive difference in improvising your customer’s experience. How can that be done? You can track your customers on the website, their likes, and dislikes, and develop a good insight regarding customer behavior.

By using different tools, different data is gathered, and you can engage visitors on the site. Artificial Intelligence allows you to greet your old customers with their names, personalizing their experience and making them feel welcomed. You can wish them on their birthdays by sending an email and a small discount code to make their experience the best with your brand. By going through their browsing history and services or products, they like you can build a personalized list of products they may want on your website. Artificial Intelligence helps you achieve this!

2. Development an Accurate Lead

Your Business must have a proper and accurate lead segmentation, including division of your target audience according to age, demographics, their different behaviors. This will help come up with messages of a group of people who have the same interest. AI assists you in building a segment based on your buyer according to their behavior patterns and makes it highly personalized. AI helps you provide your customers with the best experience and helps your brand grow too!

3. Reduction in Repetitive Tasks

A recent study shows that AI and machine learning will save businesses up to $8 billion by 2022. You can use different chatbots to help reduce the burden on teams responsible for responding to customers at additional hours during the day. These chatbots can reduce the costs spent on customer support by 30% and handle most of the queries customers ask.

Today, you’ll find chatbots made for conversations only, and they can learn from every new interaction to help improve the performance. These chatbots help can help and guide customers through the sit and suggest different items according to the visitors browsing history. They enrich your business’s query resolution and keep proper records and updates. This makes the work so much easy for you!

4. Repetition in Success

Artificial Intelligence is a powered platform assisting in lead generation. Machine Learning uses different algorithms to achieve marketing intelligence. They search and scan various organizations and find the organization whose description is similar to yours according to the criteria instilled in the system. Through this system, you can easily lead and grow towards success as the AI creates a continuous pipeline.

5. Machine-Driven Email Campaigns

You can easily set up automated email services through AI, which can be driven by your database’s customer data and behavior. This technology is vital in using the history of the user, their interests, and browsing behaviors. AI creates and sends automated emails before or after an event, such as after purchasing, abandoning the cart, etc.

These emails have a high rate of opening because of the attractive subject lines and the content. They are a pretty convenient way of grabbing the customer’s attention.

Final Thought

We have established that AI is an integral part of our lives and supports our brands in making everything better. From customer experience to campaigns. But the real question is how to achieve all of the above? That’s when Byonic.AI comes in place. The experts at Byonic can help you accomplish all of the above through their know-how in machine learning and artificial intelligence. What are you waiting for? Click on their website and take your business up the notch!

Case Studies Using AI in Content Marketing
Article gives the Case Studies of AI Success in Content Marketing

Case Studies Using AI in Content Marketing

Artificial Intelligence and its development have taken over a significant part of our lives. Today, almost all the activities related to content marketing are said to be the highest-rated used cases for Artificial Intelligence in marketing their product and services.

This has happened because, unlike any other facility, Artificial Intelligence is capable of many tasks. It can help you create and deliver and free up your team of experts to spend extra time on the creative tasks at hand. Let’s learn how to incorporate AI in content marketing in our daily lives; keep reading to find out!

Artificial Intelligence can easily tackle any issues for users, and for that, you’ll find tools that are commercially available online. Build competitive content using AI in marketing and start today. Here are some case studies of companies using AI to sell their content to build a better understanding.

Case Studies Using AI in Content Marketing

1. Chase Bank Applying AI to get Market Creative:

Chase Bank, a famous copywriting company, got on board and decided to apply AI in getting creative in the market. This didn’t just help them grow, but it changed the whole outlook of their content. By incorporating machine learning in their copywriting techniques, they achieved humanity in their marketing.

They came with digital ads providing the perfect solution to people, leading to organic traffic generation on their website and people leaning towards them for finance and retail solutions. How effective-immediate!

2. Starbucks Incorporated Predictive Analysis and Came up with Personalized Recommendations:

According to research, all those companies that value predictive analysis are organically increasing their revenue by 21% every year; yes, that’s right. On average, it only increases 12% without the use of predictive analysis, which is low.

Starbucks is a worldwide example of a brand that has incorporated its loyalty card and the mobile application to collect data and analyze various consumers. They believe in personalization and individuality and serves customers according to that. They have amped up their app experience, kept records of all the purchases, and customized messages according to customers.

They provide:

  • Recommendations on different items.
  • Letting them know what fits their type and what drinks or things to try.
  • Increasing the ordering value of a customer.

Starbucks did all of this through predictive analysis and perfectly incorporated AI in marketing. How cool!

3. Alibaba Starts a Fashion AI Store:

Alibaba, popularly known as the retail giant, just started an online FashionAI store in Hongkong. The goal of this store is to help streamline the fashion experience by incorporating AI. You can easily detect the garment tags as soon as you touch them; smart mirrors display different clothing and information regarding them. Another cool thing is that these intelligent mirrors suggest what goes with what, making it pretty easy for you to shop.

The retail giant plans to introduce a virtual wardrobe app in their brick and mortar stores to elevate customer experience and make it easier for customers to see what they tried during their visit to the store. How cool!

Approximately 46% of consumers enjoyed this virtual experience, which helped them build their confidence in the brand. AI in marketing is helping brands reach high up!

4. Custom Nike in just 90 Minutes!

In the year 2017, the brand Nike came up with a unique concept that allowed people to customize their  Nike Presto X Sneakers according to their style. The designs are easily printed on the sneakers and available in just 90 minutes!

This usage of AI gave the brand insight into consumer preferences. The machine-learning algorithm was used to create future products and deliver personalized messages to users. AI in marketing was fully optimized by the brand Nike!

Final Verdict: Is AI Effective or Not?

Yes, Artificial Intelligence is practical, but with a combination of your efforts too. That’s when assists you in taking competitive measures; we at provide you with all the insight, come up with excellent campaigns, scale your efforts, and make your content stand out. All of which is done by using AI in marketing. We have a team of experts that help you through different marketing tools and lead you to the top. Choose, book a demo and reap the benefits of AI!

How Artificial Intelligence is Enhancing Customer Experiences
AI Customer Experiences

How Artificial Intelligence is Enhancing Customer Experiences

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can no longer be ignored in the digital age. Businesses need to understand how AI works. AI programs and services can transform virtually every aspect of a business.

Automated processes and artificial intelligence are deemed the most significant technological advances of the century. Modern companies are now using artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform interactions, relationships, revenue, and services. 

Approximately 51% of companies now use artificial intelligence to improve customer experiences and hyper-personalize them. A good customer experience can be achieved with the use of customer service applications.

What is Customer Experience?

Making a purchase, using a product, or receiving a pop-up message all start the customer life cycle. It can also include contacting customer support or using the product. In general, the better the customer experience with a brand, the more likely they are to continue using and recommending it. Net promoter score is essentially a measure of customer satisfaction. 

Customers who have positive experiences with a brand tend to buy from that brand again. As companies strive for positive customer experiences, they are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence.

As a result, marketing departments are no longer required to manually segment audiences, write campaigns, or respond to communications from customers personally. These activities can now be assisted by AI.

AI’s impact on customer experience

1. Customer understanding is facilitated by AI

Brands can gain a much more accurate understanding of their customers by combining automatic learning and AI to gather social, historical, and behavioral data.

AI software is continuously learning and improving as it analyses data and can anticipate customer behavior, unlike traditional data analytics programs. The result is more relevant content, more sales opportunities, and a better customer journey.

2. Increasing sales and customer satisfaction

The use of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent as companies look to maximize sales and customer satisfaction. 

A customer may see ‘recommended’ products while shopping online, for instance. To increase conversion and sales, brands can utilize clustering algorithms to provide better recommendations.

The same goals are being sought by these AI systems: to maximize purchases, sales, and customer satisfaction. The store, however, should not recommend products the customer does not like, since the customer is likely to return or not buy them.

3. Making real-time decisions and predicting behavior

A real-time decision is one made with near-zero latency by using the most current data available, such as data from current interactions between a customer and a business. 

The decision-making process can be used to market to customers more effectively using real-time data. Customers who use ad blockers can be identified in real-time and offered alternative UI components that keep them engaged.

One aspect of personalized recommendations is presenting customers with more relevant content. AI and real-time decision-making can optimize the experience of brands by recognizing and understanding customer intent as they produce data, in real-time.

4. The age of the AI chatbot is here

Customer service (via chatbots) is the leading application of artificial intelligence deployed today, according to an MIT Technology Review of 1,004 business leaders. As many as 73% of respondents believe companies will use AI for sales and marketing by 2022, followed closely by other departments at 59%.

Final Thoughts

The use of AI in customer service provides easy, efficient solutions. By harnessing big data and customer information, AI can help deliver a great customer experience. 

Customers will be effectively served if a customer service center is AI-based. Competitiveness can be improved with AI solutions. To gain the trust of your customers and increase loyalty, contact us at Byonic.AI.